Politics • Education • Culture
The Guenniverse offers blends of cultural critique, psychology, commentary on Western education, kratology, and philosophical incursions to comprehend our world through a Venezuelan lens. We'll cover the "venezuelization" of the Earth and how/why the Revolution is one and the same. Truth and Freedom are interdependent.
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December 12, 2024
Episode 1: Introspection vs. ‘Mental Health’

Inaugural, first episode. 🤩 Introduction to the podcast series. Review of Michael Tsarion’s ‘Say no to Psychology’ article: Challenging both the concept of mental health/fitness -from Psychiatry- and the praxis of that side of the Cult of the White Coats (Medics). [SOLO episode.]

Episode 1: Introspection vs. ‘Mental Health’
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January 15, 2025
A 7 años de la Masacre de El Junquito

Yo aquí les hablo sin rodeos.
Los únicos venezolanos que entendemos lo que significa la memoria de Óscar Pérez y su gesta, como símbolo y como recuerdo, somos los que estuvimos vinculados con la Resistencia anticomunista. No importa si se está dentro o fuera de Venezuela, los que estuvimos en la lucha sabemos perfectamente que el martirio de Óscar Pérez y sus compañeros de destino personifica el espíritu de sacrificio y de valor máximos que aglutinaba a toda la causa de la libertad y soberanía para nuestro país. Nuestra Venezuela, ya al borde de la extinción, no cuenta con una nación que haya absorbido unánimemente el credo de lo que significan la vida y muerte de Óscar y su equipo de valientes - lo que significan para la lucha y para la causa, según los nostálgicos de la Resistencia. Estos nostálgicos, nosotros, los idealistas, grandemente sobreestimamos el efecto universalizante, ergo unificante, que la tragedia del 15 de enero de 2018 tendría sobre la consciencia ...

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January 04, 2025
Can we have Science without democratization?

Good question.
Science is Modernity's attempt to democratize knowledge of the Universe, which was once reserved for the few. By attempting to grant the many an idealized access to its repository, Science has encountered a double wall that sets hard limits on its ambition: a) it has idiotized itself as an institution, limiting both the quality and quantity of actual new knowledge that it can and will produce (constantly bumping, like a child, into "discoveries" of facts that Philosophy and Spirituality had long stated); and b) it has run into its own epistemological frontier. Ironically, the latter happened on the very same day that Science's brutish, ridiculously materialistic version decided to pursue its method further. This rabid version of Science, like a zombie, keeps going even when declared dead upon that fateful day of reckoning, by ignoring the fruits of its own labor: early Quantum Mechanics experiments proved the limits/expiration of the old paradigm, whose beaten and ...

October 10, 2024
Ideologies are costumes

We must stop analyzing Power from the lens of political ideologies. It is absurd. Doing so is like seeking to understand the budgetary difficulties of a city's government, through the analysis of the graphic designs of the local sports teams' mascots. As Michael Tsarion would say, ideological allegiances mean nothing behind the lodge door: at a certain point in their careers, most politicians, corporate leaders, academic luminaries, government officials, military officers, etc. tend to join the elitist clubs, the occultist lodges, the knightly orders, and so on. Their loyalty belongs to whichever brotherhood/fraternity/order they swore an oath of allegiance to first; this loyalty comes before country, or party, or religious sect, or geographic location, or ideological leaning, or even family. This loyalty is owed, in practice, first and foremost to the brethren of their order, as well as to their order's agenda. Pursuing this agenda supersedes their personal career objectives: it is an ...

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